July 2021 Monthly Memo

Congratulations to the following CHiLD members on their recent achievements!

1. Growing Up in Digital Europe (GUIDE) has been included in the 2021 European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap – marking it among the highest quality and most valuable research infrastructures in Europe. The UCD team is led by CHiLD members Jennifer Symonds, Orla Doyle, Seaneen Sloan and Laura Taylor.

2. CHiLD member, Flávia Santos, has been featured as this month’s UCD Discovery Rising Star! Read all about it here: [https://tinyurl.com/2pfe4te5]


1.McNamara R, Quinn R, Murrin C, Bel-Serrat S. Teachers’ perspectives on the barriers to healthy lifestyle behaviors among adolescent girls of disadvantaged backgrounds in Ireland: A qualitative study. Appetite. 2021 Jul 9;167:105585.

2.Kennedy M, Howlin F. Preparation of children for elective surgery and hospitalisation: A parental perspective. Journal of Child Health Care. July 2021.

3.Howe, R. (2021) ‘Pawsitive’ influence – Do animals boost morale and help children recover in hospital?’’ Available at: https://blog.hrbopenresearch.org/2021/07/27/do-animals-boost-morale-and-help-children-recover-in-hospital/

Child and Youth Research Summer Seminar Series

Zoom link for registration: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Asfu6trT8iGdLksfxnqdUOj3rODXjOinom

Week 5 (4th August, 11am): Supporting Children from Marginalised Backgrounds -Dr Sadhbh Byrne (Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Global Health, TCD) -Liliyana Mbeve (UCD)

Week 6 (11th August, 1pm): Masterclass on Participatory Research with Children (COVISION) -Speaker: Dr Harry Shier

Week 7 (18th August, 1pm): Adverse Childhood Experiences -Madhav Bhargav (PhD candidate, School of Psychology, TCD) -Natnicha Boonyanath (TCD)

Week 8 (25th August, 1pm): Masterclass – TBC