We held a UCD CHiLD coffee morning on May. It was lovely to catch up with members in person after so long!
UCD Open Day
•The Helping Kids! lab will have a booth at UCD Open Day 11 June (12-6 pm; Newman Concourse). Our #ArtOfIdentity exhibit will have lots of fun activities for children ages 6-12, parents and community members. Come learn what children think about where they live, Europe and peace from five settings: Republic OF Ireland, Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Croatia and Republic of North Macedonia..
Looking for research volunteers
The UCD Institute of Food and Health is looking for volunteers for the MyPlanetDiet study. The study is coordinated by CHilD Research Centre member Dr Aifric O’Sullivan. The study is now recruiting healthy adults (aged 18-64) who currently eat meat most days and are willing to reduce their meat intake. Volunteers will receive personalised nutrition advice for a more sustainable diet. Find out more here.
•McDonnell, T., Conlon, C., McNicholas, F., Barrett, E., Barrett, M., Cummins, F., Hensey, C., McAuliffe, E., Nicholson, E. (2022). “Paediatric hospital admissions for psychiatric and psychosocial reasons during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic”. International Review of Psychiatry, 21:1-2.
•Howe, R. Kroll, T. (2022). “Why should the welfare of therapy animals involved in animal assisted interventions matter to child healthcare researchers and professionals?”. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45 (2), 123-6.
•Howell, T., Nieforth, L., Howe, R. et al. (2022). “Definining terms used for animals working in support roles for vulnerable people”. Animals (in press ID 1772907).
•Santos, F.H., Ribeiro, F.S., Dias-Piovezana, AL., Primi. C., Dowker, A., von Aster M. (2022). “Discerning Developmental Dyscalculia and Neurodevelopmental Models of Numerical Cognition in a Disadvantaged Educational Context”. Brain Sciences, 12(5):653.
•Murphy, D., Leonard, S. J., Taylor, L. K., and Santos, F. H. (2022). “Educational achievement and bullying: The mediating role of psychological difficulties”. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 00, 1– 15.
Orla Doyle
-Society for the Economics of the Household (SEHO) annual conference: “Pregnancy loss, investment, and subsequent children”: London, 22-24 May.
-Paris School of Economics, Early childhood education and social inequalities Workshop: “Can early intervention have a sustain effect on human capital”: Paris, May 30-31.
Clara Sherlock
-Irish Epilepsy Nurse Group Meeting – ‘Long-term outcomes of childhood epilepsy in Ireland: A mixed methods study’ May 2022.