May 2023 Monthly Memo


Upcoming seminar: The SILE research Team will discuss their work regarding the voices of vulnerable children in the development of law and policy. “Silent agents affected by legislation: from an insufficient knowledge base to inclusive solutions” – Prof Timo Harrikari, Esso Julin, and Linda Maatta, (SILE Research Team, Finland). Taking place on Tuesday June 6th at 10am to 12pm in the Geary Institute for Public Policy, UCD.

Upcoming masterclass: Hosted by the Children’s Research Network, Prof Carol Mutch shares her experiences researching with traumatised children and young people in disasters and crises in this masterclass on navigating research ethics and approaches in sensitive contexts. “Ethics & Approaches when Researching Children and Young People in Sensitive Contexts”. Masterclass takes place on Tuesday 6th June 10-12am in E1.17 SCE, Science East, O’Brien Centre for Science. More info here:


Launch of WellFed: The WellFed study will examine the effects of a new food supplement, made up of a milk protein and a specific dietary fibre called a beta-glucan (Wellmune®), aimed at supporting breastfeeding and maternal health. This study is led by Dr Aifric O’Sullivan, Assoc Prof Sharleen O’Reilly, and Prof Torres Sweeney in UCD’s Institute of Food and Health (IFH) and is funded by the Enterprise Ireland Centre, Food for Health Ireland.  The WellFed team have just started recruiting, and are looking for healthy single-baby pregnant mothers or mothers who have given birth within the last 4 weeks, who are breastfeeding or if still pregnant, who plan to breastfeed to take part. For more information email: or visit: