Ian Byrne

  • Therese McDonnell

    UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Systems

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  • Barbara Moore

    PhD Student in UCD School of Sociology, Thesis topic: Transitions towards Equality: A Sociological Analysis of Contemporary Fatherhood; Description: Fatherhood is the most commonly shared experience of adult men, yet fathers’ role in families, is often neglected in the literature. In the midst of rapid transformative social change in family structures, my interest resides in…

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  • Niamh Moore-Cherry

    UCD School of Geography

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  • Gillian Motyer

    PhD Student in UCD School of Psychology, Thesis topic: The Psychosocial Impact of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis; Description: This research will enhance understanding of the psychosocial impact of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, a condition involving sideways curvature of the spine. Adolescence is a significant period of psychological and social development, and living with a chronic health condition…

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  • Celine Murrin

    UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Sports Science

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  • Gavin Murphy

    PhD Student in UCD School of Education, Thesis topic: Post-primary school leadership preparation and development in Ireland; Description: Working as a post-primary school teacher, Gavin completed further graduate study in Educational Leadership at University College Dublin. Subsequently, having been awarded a competitive Cambridge Trust Scholarship, he completed an MPhil at the University of Cambridge’s Faculty…

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  • Purity Mwendwa

    UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Systems

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  • Eileen O’Brien

    PhD Student in UCD School of Medicine, Thesis topic: The ROLO Mothers from Pregnancy to Five Years: An exploration of maternal dietary, socioeconomic and environmental factors

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  • Cliodhna O’Connor

    PhD Student in UCD School of Psychology, Thesis topic: Boosting Positive Interpretations: Identifying the underlying mechanisms in Cognitive Bias Modification Training for adolescent anxiety; Description: Theoretically, my research aims to deepen our understanding of the link between negative interpretation bias and anxiety in adolescents. Practically, my research contributes to our knowledge of a potential, computer-based,…

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  • Sharleen O’Reilly

    UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science

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  • Aifric O’Sullivan

    UCD School of Agriculture & Food Science

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  • Giuliana Rocca

    UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science

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  • Helena Scully

    PhD Student in UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, Thesis topic: School Friends Study Description: The School Friend Study will follow up a longitudinal cohort of twins (ESPRiT Study) at age 7-10 to explore adverse social experiences during primary school to identify the genetic and neurocognitive influence on children’s aggression development. The objectives are…

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  • Seaneen Sloan

    UCD School of Education

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  • Karen Smith

    UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work & Social Justice

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  • Suja Somanadhan

    UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems

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  • Jennifer Symonds

    UCD School of Education

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  • Symon Utila

    PhD Student in UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering, Thesis topic: Assessment of normal levels of calcium and iron in women attending antenatal services at Zomba Central Hospital in Malawi; Description: It will includes the following: introduction, broad and specific objectives, hypothesis, research question, literature review, methodology, budget, appendix and references.

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  • Hidde van der Meulen

    PhD Student in UCD School of Computer Science, Thesis topic: Building adaptive games to support mental health therapy; Description: I will be working on games that can support mental health therapy sessions with children. The deliverable of my project is an adaptive game that aims to be helpful for a wide range of mental health…

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  • Centre Launch

    Dr Emily Logan, Irish Human Rights commissioner, launched the UCD Centre for Childhood and Human Development on December 12th 2016. The launch showcased the on-going research in relation to children and young people across the bio-psycho-social sciences in UCD. Below was the schedule for the day: UCD Childhood and Human Development Research Centre Sutherland School…

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  • Preparing for Life – The Results

    Preparing for Life: The Results This conference, organised by the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy, brings together 8 years of data from mothers, fathers, teachers and children, and offers strong evidence from Ireland on the effectiveness of early intervention. PFL is a five year early intervention programme to improve parenting and children’s development PFL…

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  • Pregnancy, nutrition, health and health services (School of Public Health)

    This cluster studies the bio-psycho-social mechanisms which impact the development of physical and mental health. The long term goal is to create effective services to prevent health problems. The research projects use longitudinal, intergenerational and experimental designs with singletons and twins. Genetic and environmental factors are assessed from pregnancy through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Environmental…

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  • Complex Care and Health and Child Well-being (School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems)

    This cluster focuses on children with complex care needs, children who have multiple care needs who require access to multiple health support services as a result of a congenital, chronic or acquired illness. Grounded in a rights-based approach research in this area acknowledges the wider interconnected relationships that influence a child’s development, their overall health…

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  • Children’s rights and citizenship and well-being (School of Law, Education, Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice)

    This cluster explores children’s rights as these relate to their everyday lives across a range of social, cultural and institutional contexts.  Drawing on national and international human rights laws, norms and standards, including domestic legislation, the Irish Constitution, the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, research in…

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  • Economics of child well-being (School of Economics)

    This cluster focuses on understanding how a child’s environment influences their life course. Research in this cluster explores the role of socioeconomics inequalities in childhood and their consequences for later labour market outcomes such as employment and wages. Growing up in poverty can lead to poorer outcomes in the short-term, including greater vulnerability at school…

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  • Learning, development and educational well-being (School of Education)

    This cluster focuses on exploring the impact of education on children’s rights and well-being across all sectors from early years through to secondary schooling. Research on issues related to the experience of equalities/inequalities across different groups (e.g minority ethnic and migrant children, children in poverty, girls and boys, disabled children) of children and young people…

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  • Psycho-social health and well-being (School of Psychology)

    This cluster focuses on the risk and protective factors influencing mental health and well-being from early years through to adolescence and youth. Research on issues of stress, depression, alcohol consumption, self esteem and social support are explored. Suicide is considered both in terms of suicidal behavior and associated risk factors and mediating psychological constructs, as…

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  • CHD-RC panel at the Garret Fitzgerald Autumn School

    CHD-RC will be holding a panel at the Garret Fitzgerald Autumn School further details are available here

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  • Seminar Series on child/youth related research

    Seminar Series on child/youth related research Over the coming weeks, the School of Education in association with the Centre for Childhood and Human Development, Geary Institute, continues its seminar series  on large scale/quantitative studies in relation to children and young people. All Seminars take place in the School of Education, Room 0.01;  4.00 – 4.50pm…

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  • Seminar Series 2015

    Seminar 12 March 2015 Seminar Series Schedule 2014

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